Friday, August 29, 2014

Production Reflection

Last night was great we did our second paying show we had lots and lots of parents that came in and did all our make up and hair it ways so exciting we all did so well for our second try. When we first went on stage we all started to get goose bumps I could hear people whispering in the crowd saying I hope that this one is good like all the others and then we did it the crowd was so amazed they clapped really loud. I was so happy. ÀazaaaaBut then Rongokako sent his men to destroy our village then Dylan henirakau's dad got his men up for a hucka they were so loud everyone was joining in. They left but then Dylan the father gathered us for a Hui he would send henirakau to fall in love with Rongokako.She didn't really want to but she did for the people and there paa. As soon as rongokako saw her he fell in love instantly he wanted to marry her. The father would go back and tell the people they said that he had to complete two task before he would have her he completed the first task and then started the second task but then he chocked on a peace of rock fell two his knees and died henirakau loved him so much that she ran to the highest cliff and jumped of so thats the end of her and rongokakao


Monday, August 18, 2014

My story made out of these words.

Persuasive Haunts Vibrant Proposal Radiant dazzling

Here is my story

My dad was very easy to persuade. If I asked "Could I tie dye my shirt?" He would say "NO!" which haunts me very much. I said to him "My shirt that I want to tie dye would be so vibrant and dazzling." One day my dad got a proposal for work and said that he had reconsidered. "So go on and tie dye your shirt. We have enough money now because I got a proposal. Your shirt will be dazzling."

Friday, August 01, 2014

Te Mata O Rangokako!

Ideas - Tori
Camera man - Emma
Village People - Aleesha & Tori
Music By - Fat Albert 
Henirakau - Jaz
Cheif - Emma
Rongokako - Ashleigh
and highly recognised bye a Rongokako film